KH. Abdurrahman Wahid

When explaining the role of Indonesia as a moderate Muslim world axis, KH. Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur talked a lot about pace NU, the largest religious organization Fatherland, in the basic formation of the Indonesian state. Former Chairman of the NU was also told how the NU and national figures in the early days of independence
In NU Congress in 1935 in Banjarmasin, NU held that no duty of Muslims to establish an Islamic state. This attitude then strengthen the formulation of Pancasila and the proclamation of Indonesian independence. "Nationalism is the basis of the founding of Indonesia," said Gus Dur.

When explaining the role of Indonesia as a moderate Muslim world axis, KH. Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur talked a lot about pace NU, the largest religious organization Fatherland, in the basic formation of the Indonesian state. Former Chairman of the NU was also told how the NU and national figures in the early days of independence
In NU Congress in 1935 in Banjarmasin, NU held that no duty of Muslims to establish an Islamic state. This attitude then strengthen the formulation of Pancasila and the proclamation of Indonesian independence. "Nationalism is the basis of the founding of Indonesia," said Gus Dur.
Democratic political attitudes and struggles of pluralism and human rights should be appreciated during the life of all circles, including the international world. Vice Mayor of Surabaya Arif Wahid suggested Hassanain get nobel peace other than the title of national hero.
"Gus Dur is not only entitled to a degree of national heroes, but also entitled to a Nobel," said Arif Afandi over apples together and the school award in the House anti-drug education office
Wahid courage to penetrate the boundaries of diplomacy and political taboo in Indonesia, Wahid made the figure has more value. Roles Wahid who was president in the world community in the field of pluralism, human rights and democracy should be aligned with the other Nobel laureates.
Arif pointed out, although Indonesia has no diplomatic relations with Israel, but the former Chairman of the NU was very involved in the foundation of Israel. In addition, Wahid also dare to defend the minorities in an effort to achieve justice for this. "Her courage deserves respect


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